research Overview


I am an interdisciplinary health scientist interested in how social-environmental factors pattern and exacerbate health disparities. My research portfolio offers a unique perspective on environmental health issues that affect medically vulnerable populations, particularly in the context of climate change and urbanization.

Select Editorials

Porta S., Bailey Z., Greer A., Ghartey D., Ashad-Bishop K.C., Strom E. (2020, December 11). Before eviction restrictions end, a race to find out what protections work best [Editorial]. South Florida Sun Sentinel.

Ashad-Bishop K. C., Gardiner J. C., Makins, K., & Twum, D. (2020, October 13). Cancer Doesn't See Color, but the Pipeline Does [Editorial]. Nature Research Cancer Community.

Ashad-Bishop K.C.and Metayer N. (2020, March 30). Has COVID-19 Laid the Groundwork for Permanent Social Change? [Editorial]. Florida Politics.

Select Manuscripts

Ashad-Bishop, K. C., Baeker Bispo, J. A., Nahodyl, L., Balise, R. R., Kobetz, E. K., & Bailey, Z. D. (2023). Hyperlocal disparities in breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: An ecological study of social vulnerability in Miami-Dade county. Preventive Medicine Reports35, 102371.

Davis B.R., Jaso B.A., Heller A., Kohn-Wood L., Ashad-Bishop K.C. (2023). The Power of Community: The Role of CBOs in Mitigating COVID-19-Related Impacts to Well-Being Among South Florida's Minoritized Populations. Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice. 14(2), 1 - 18. Retrieved from, (

Ashad-Bishop K.C., Cruz M., Bailey Z.D., Kobetz E.K. (2023). Intersectional Disparities in Climate Vulnerability and Cancer Risk. Cancer.